Central Saint Martins, London
Drawing on the work of the Brazilian theorist Sérgio Ferro, who has conducted the single most sustained enquiry into design from the perspective of labour and the construction site available in any language, Production Studies challenges the tendency of architectural theorists, historians, and designers to sideline the industrial, technical, and socio-economic contexts in which building is constituted—or to maintain that these are not the proper concerns of architecture.
At a time when enslavement and deaths at building sites make international headlines, and the distance is growing between architects and the sites of production for their design, accompanied by the increasing deskilling, precarization and forced migration of construction workers across the globe, we ask what critical tools and methods can we employ to do this work, and what alternative forms of practice can we identify? The series explores the 3 areas of action, which Ferro argued in his persuasive talk at CSM in February 2022, are needed to develop the possibility of 'The Emancipatory Building Site'.
Concrete Experiments
João Marcos de Almeida Lopes, Martin Hughes, Sol Perez Martinez, Alex Warnock Smith
This first of two sessions showcasing examples of what Sérgio Ferro described as ‘concrete experiments with the possibilities of emancipatory practice’. Since 1990 USINA have enabled social movements and land occupiers to build more than 5000 homes. We revisit the history of architects’ engagement with technical aid in the UK, and discuss with practitioners and academics – what are the challenges and potentials for the provision of technical aid today?
Emancipatory Practices
Marianna Borel, Winnie Herbstein, Julia Heslop, Doina Petrescu, Marianna Moura, Christine Wall
What are the radical and emancipatory possibilities when women build? Arquitetura na Periferia - a second example of a ‘concrete experiment’ from Brazil, present their work enabling women from the periphery to plan and carry out improvements to their homes. In conjunction with historical and contemporary cases of women working in the trades we ask how women’s work in building develops their autonomy and at the same time challenges the industry status quo?
Separated Design
Linda Clarke, Fran Bradshaw, Jane Hall, Katie Lloyd Thomas
Picking up on Sérgio Ferro’s injunction to draw on what is available to us today in the field of building and his argument that separated design is a key technique of the capitalist building industry, our panellists discuss their work to challenge the separation and hierarchy between designers and fabricators in the production of the built environment. What are the obstacles and possibilities for more collaborative ways of working in mainstream architecture and construction?
Building Alliances
Alex Wood, Aska Welford, Charlie Edmonds, Peggy Deamer, Tilo Amhoff
Sérgio Ferro shows us that capitalism mobilised many techniques to deskill and break apart co-operation on the building site. Returning to his injunction to draw on the field of building today and we turn to the recent formation of architectural unions and to histories of organised labour in the building industry. We ask academics and contemporary union organisers to what extent these developments can forge new alliances across the building site / design divide?
Production Pedagogies
Sergio Ferro, Charlotte Malterre Barthes, Jeremy Till, Summer Islam, Paloma Gormley, Catalina Mejia Moreno, Andreas Lang, Silke Kapp, Marianna Moura, Lara Melotti
Facing a climate emergency that amplifies all existing conflicts and contradictions, a crisis looms for architecture. If the architectural imagination is to evolve past the limitations of its disciplinary and professional past, what new holistic methods, transformative strategies, and intellectual capacities will future designers need? How can critiques, insights, and pedagogical models from Production Studies provide a foundation for a new program of architectural education for a revived discipline and profession?
A lecture series from the TF/TK Project in collaboration with Central Saint Martins.